My blog
The third phase of the e-ttraction model is Leverage and one of the key parts of this is creating compelling content. Communicating your value to your perfect customers, employees and partners is very important to ensure they know what you do, why you do it and who you do it for.
We can do this on our websites, social media and in meetings. But writing blogs is a tremendous way to drip-feed your brand to thousands of people with minimal effort, easy-to-use tools and almost no cost. Plus it's still the best way to get Google to rank your website and social media profiles as it's magic for SEO.
That's why I have been writing blogs since I started my business and will continue to do so. If you need a hand doing them just reach out to me and I'm happy to give you some advice.
Health & Fitness No.2 - Eat What You Want
Eat! It's pretty important for living apparently. As someone who loves to eat, I believe it's important to not deny yourself sustenance and pleasure. I also believe it's important to eat the food you crave. Surely you jest Andrew, I hear you say. Cravings are BAD! Well I disagree.
Health & Fitness No. 1 - How to Keep Fit After 40
To be healthy, don't die. Seems obvious enough yet some of us take actions every day that produces that result. I'm not talking about jumping out of a plane, I mean the boring stuff, good food and regular exercise. I don't preach about abstinence, God know's I have had my fair share of unhealthy, yet very enjoyable things.
Raising Boys No. 1 - Home Made Bows and Arrows
Kids are attracted to danger. Especially boys, that's why I love doing stuff with them! They love the thrill of being on the edge and excitement of testosterone. To deny it is to stop the nature of boys. I say proceed with safety and a sense of adventure.
Why did I get a Yin and Yang Tattoo?
I have a tattoo of the symbol of Yin and Yang on my left wrist. I thought I would never get a tattoo as I would not find one picture to look at forever, yet on a trip to Bali last year I had an epiphany.
Lifestyle No.1 - I love Beer!
Beer, the drink of the Gods. Well my Gods at least. You may think it strange for me to write about my love of beer at the same time as health and fitness, but I believe it is vital to explore the areas you enjoy in life and I enjoy beer - so much so I made my very own mobile applicationClosest Beer so I would never be too far from one!
Life Lessons No. 1 - The Man Who Taught Me Values Dr John Demartini
I learn't about the study of Values or Axiology two years ago when I attended my first Break Through Experience with Dr John Demartini.
Business Tips No. 1 - How to create a Powerful Personal Brand
‘A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is.’
Scott Cook