Take a peak into my previous speaking engagements
Motivation Day
Motivation Day was a half day event with 80 attendees and 8 speakers designed to inspire self reflection and positive change. I was chuffed to have my two boys Hudson and Spencer attend and see what daddy does all day. Below you can see my presentation.
REISA Training Course
I was invited to run several workshops for the Real Estate Institute of South Australia to train their recent graduates on personal branding.
Advance Thinking Panel Experts
I was asked to be a contributor to the Advance Thinking Agile IT event and join a panel of experts on the topic.
Hard Edge
Hard Edge is a boutique marketing agency located in Melbourne. They run quarterly industry events to share learnings and build connection with the marketing community. I was pleased to be invited to headline their event The Hard Word #017: Personal branding - critical to your success.
Fight for your Why
Fight for your Why was a charity event run by the amazing Lynn Hoang to raise funds for the Hunger Project charity. Sixty people attended this ticketed event and I was proud to be the capstone speaker.
General Assembly
I was engaged as a trainer for digital marketing at the General Assembly Melbourne.
RMIT Entrepreneur Growth Series
I was invited by Lauren Rielly to present to her entrepreneur students on personal branding. You can watch the video below which describes the story of my Why and then how I became the e-ttractionist.
"Andrew Ford builds high growth ventures through a growth by attraction strategy. He designs and leverages personal branding assets to do deals, get media and get funding. Andrew shares with you his secrets to digital attraction that you can apply to your own venture immediately."
Lauren Rielly, RMIT Lecturer
"...special thanks for your contribution to the RMIT MBA Marketing program during Semester 1, 2016. Having assessed the students personal reflections of their learning experience it became evident that our themed approach on personal branding, resonated as the most significant in the collective learning experience as recorded in both written and video-made reflections of my students.
The number of students who have committed to developing a personal website, repositioning their personal brand on LinkedIn and committed to updating their personal image is profound and rewarding to read."
Kevin Argus, Lecturer (Marketing), Graduate School of Business and Law, RMIT University, June 2016
ANZ Bank Staff Conference
We were engaged to assist in the development of a staff conference based on Personal Branding. We assisted with the strategy of the event, gave one of the keynote presentations and took headshot photos of 150x of the 500x attendees. A great event!